Adventures in Family Time

Ezza had to stop herself from turning the air blue around her. It was just so frustrating and the fact that they did it over and over was driving her crazy. She’d had to leave the game of hoops her and Cameron had started when she’d noticed. Counting to ten, she smiled and approached Xias.

“Xias,” Ezza said looking at her son.

Mommy look! Xias said pointing to his mess he’d just made.

“Xias, use your words.” Ezza said.

“Mommy! Pitty!” Xias said happily looking at his work. He loved the colours and how they mixed all together. He was especially happy with this blending. He looked up when he heard the sigh above his head, the smile disappearing from his face. 

Ezza pinched the bridge of her nose and just breathed for a moment or two. Then she looked down and saw Xias looking up at her with that wounded look on his face. Stay strong girl, she said to herself.

“I know you think it’s pretty baby, and it is. It really is, but there’s a time and place for it. On paper, at home. Not on the sidewalk of a Karaoke bar. We are going to go inside and get some water and a cloth, and you are going to clean up your Pretty colours. Do you understand?” Ezza said firmly. Xias nodded.

Zas, I’m taking Xias into the bar, we’ll be out in a minute or two. Are you okay with the kids?

I’m fine, but don’t you think he’s a little young right now to be taught the art of seducing drunk women? Besides that’s my job.

Zas! Also, I want our son to have a shot at sealing the deal, and with class. Something he couldn’t possibly learn from you.

Zas chuckled to himself. He was sitting at a picnic table and stuffing his face with his fourth dish from the food stalls. Mmm, this is so good. I wonder what spice they used here? Oh, I see. He was picking apart all the food and locking away what ingredients he could find in his head. Later with a bit of tweaking he was confident he could remake it at home. He glanced over to find Yara being fed by an older lady who was cooing over him and seemed to enjoy giving him her food. Tixxis was wandering around near the basketball court.

Cameron threw the ball and watched it arc through the sky, before landing squarely in the net.

He smiled to himself, I still got it. As he dribbled he glanced around, Tixxis was playing with a bug, and Yara was stealing food in the eating area, nothing new there. He spotted Zas one plate in his hand and his mouth full, ordering another dish at one of the food stalls. How is he not 500 pounds by now? Looking around a bit more he couldn’t see Nigel Su anywhere. He stopped dribbling and stood stock still. Where was his son? He scanned the courts again, not seeing Nigel Su anywhere, he was about to dash off, when the crowds around the live performer parted and there was Nigel Su dancing to the music. Letting out the breath he didn’t know he’d been holding, Cameron put the ball down and went over to check on Nigel Su.


All three adults trudged wearily behind the bouncing and excited toddlers. They had only gone across the street for the morning, but it felt like they’d been on a forced march for years. The children however looked like they were having the time of their lives. Zas groaned and rubbed his stomach.

“It’s your own fault Muffin. Honestly, you’re not bottomless, I don’t what you expected to happen.” Cameron said to him as he kept watch on the children.

“You need to lighten up. Life is meant to be indulged and lived. Dive into it with everything you’ve got.” Zas said clasping him on the shoulder as he came up behind him.

“Cameron’s right. I think you should sleep on the couch tonight, so your ‘indulgences’ don’t keep me awake when you’re in pain tonight, or suffocate us both. Who’ll look after the kids then?” Ezza said unlocking the front door and letting the kids and Pepper in.

“Ezza.” Zas gasped as Cameron chuckling went inside, followed by Ezza. “Love? Ezza, come on! You were kidding about the couch right? Ezza?”

The rest of the afternoon passed as it usually did. At first Xias and Yara ignored everyone else to talk to each other on the couch.


Cameron worried when they did this, as their telepathy allowed them, to plan some whoppers when it came to pranks and mischief. Tixxis played with her blocks while Nigel Su sat near by. Once he got tired from being ignored by her, he tried to join the boys.

Of course those two immediately broke apart and went running for parts unknown. So he’d play with Pepper or sit and watch Tixxis until she went for her nap.

After chasing one of the boys away from the table as it was being set,

Zas managed to corner Xias in the bedroom. Not completely sure which boy it had been, he opted to talk it out with a clear goal in mind, and ended up playing instead. 

Meanwhile Yara chose to play blocks.

Eventually he ended up leaving to play with Pepper.

Xias came out and decided to knock over the block pile Tixxis was playing with. When Nigel Su tried to stop him, Xias bit him. Nigel Su ended up going to Cameron crying, and everyone then got a talking to.

Afterwards Xias apologized to Nigel Su,

and hugged it out with Tixxis.



Zas and Ezza then decided to make dinner together, and Cameron went into his room to get ready to go to work. He had just finished gathering his supplies he’d need for the night when the doorbell rang.

“Cameron! It’s for you.” Ezza called out, her tone a little strange. Interest peaked Cameron headed for the family room. Standing just inside the door was Akira.

“What are you doing here?” He asked coming to a stop.

“I needed to speak with you, and since it’s on our way and almost time, I thought we could go to work together.” Akira said with a small smile forming. God’s, I love that smile. This is so a bad idea, Cameron thought.

“Sure, but make it brief and we part before we get there.” He said aloud turning to grab his jacket. He ushered Akira outside first then followed closing the door behind him.

“So what is it?” He asked Akira while patting his pockets to make sure he had his keys.

“I found something, on Ground Zero. It took me awhi-“ Akira started when he was interrupted.

“Daddy! No go, pease. I miss you.” Nigel Su said hurtling himself out of the now open door and into Cameron’s legs. He wrapped his chubby arms around Cameron and buried his face in Cameron’s knees. Cameron reached down and removed Nigel Su so he could kneel down beside him. He hugged Nigel Su and soothed him until he was calm.

“Is this your son?” Akira asked eyeing the little boy.

“His name is Nigel Su. Nigel Su meet Akira. He’s someone Daddy works with.” Cameron said making the unwanted introductions. Nigel Su looked up at Akira and with a big smile plastered on his tear streaked face said hello.

“He’s beautiful Cam. He has blonde hair just like you, and that smile.” Akira said looking Nigel Su over. Cameron had made one beautiful baby. 

“Yeah,” Cameron said standing. He smiled at Nigel Su as he stared at Akira, who was staring right back. “Say goodbye Nigel Su, I have to get to work, and Akira’s coming with me.” 

Nigel Su walked closer to Akira and lifted up his arms for a hug. Akira’s eyes widened as he watched Nigel Su, but he crouched down and hugged him. He was so tiny in Akira’s arm, Akira was afraid he’d crush him if he squeezed too hard.

“Alright, you go back inside. I have to go to work, but I’ll see you tonight when I get home Okay?” Cameron said holding the door open for Nigel Su. Nigel Su walked very slowly inside snuffling the whole time. Cameron watched as Ezza picked him up and rubbed his back as she brought him to the table beside Tixxis.

Closing the door Cameron began walking, Akira caught up to him after a few strides.

“Now What was it you wanted to tell me.” He asked Akira. He listened intently as Akira told him about what he’d found out. Cameron asked a few detailed questions in a slow methodical manner, but inside his heart was thundering.

Watching Akira walk down the side street, Cameron felt like he was full of electricity. If what Akira had said was true, then they were one giant leap forward. Pulling out his phone he dialed the next contact in the Network. They needed to move on this fast.

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