The Vacation Part 2-Plans

“I’m worried about him.” Dina said. She was peeking out the window of the cabin at Zas in the backyard sitting on the porch just staring out at the scenery. She turned back around to find Ezza separating herbs he’d gathered that

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What’re You Doing!?

Ezza looked up from where he was looking over the skull. Zas had just cried out in pain again. He wasn’t usually this clumsy, but then again Zas wasn’t used to having to manually make a lead board either. After listening to

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Goodbye My…Love?

Zas sat back on the couch, glass of wine in his hand. His head rested on the back of the couch with his other arm across his eyes. He was waiting for Ezza to get home. It had been quite a day

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